Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Morning Question -- What is your Star Wars name?

Monday Morning Question -- What is your Star Wars name?

For those of you too young to remember, Star Wars came out in 1977. My husband John tells me he watched it 13 times the first year it played. But then he was 15 at the time. Over his lifetime he's probably seen Star Wars 30 times! Despite this, he says he's "primarily a Star Trek fan."

Now for the Monday Morning Question:
What is your Star Wars name?
Take the first three letters of your last name. Then add the first three letters of your first name. Finally, on the end of that add the last medicine you took.

My answer: My Star Wars name is KnoKriLantus

Now tell us --

What is your Star Wars name?

Do this one! It may be silly but it's lots of fun anyway! Krissy :)


  1. Sorry, Wollysheep, at first I mentioned the directions wrong. You should have put your last name first, and your first name last! So you are really Joh-Kri Ibuprophen. Now doesn't that sound much better? krissy :)

  2. LohLauMotrin. Nice. Ha, ha!

    I love the photo in your masthead. It is beautiful. Did you take it?

  3. Thonadibuprofen. looks like I have family here! =)

  4. wal mel benicar.............?




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