Monday, December 20, 2004

Monday Morning Question

Monday Morning Question:

What is the most exotic food you have ever eaten? 

My answer:  Escargot.  In English that's snails.  And they were gross.  I'll never do it again.

Extra credit question:  Do you like fruit cake?  

My answer:  Yes!  



  1. Ewww, snails!!  Sounds nasty, but brave you for trying them :o)
    I like fruit cake too, but only in small quantities!!
    Sara   x

  2. mine has to be octopus. I have no idea of the posh name for it though. I picked them up by accident thinking they were onion ring!..........Jules xxxxxxxxxx

  3. I really don't think I've ever had anything exotic. I'm a plain eater. Always have been.  Does clam sauce count if I didn't eat the clams? LOL!
    I've never had a fruit cake I liked. I'm sure there is one out there. : )

  4. bonus ???   noooooooooooooooo i dont like fruit cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. exotic food !!!guess id have to say bear.... is that exotic???? probably not but thats as good as it gets....also when i ate it didnt know it was bear they said it was  beef marinated...till after i ate it they told me..... then i thought i was gonna be sick....didnt eat much of it bfore i knew what it was cause i didnt like it,,,,and sure the heck didnt eat it after i found out lol

  6. Exotic Food--Barbecue Alligator Tail when I was in New Orleans.  Yep, it was really, really good.

    Fruit cake???  I thought they were door stops.  LOL

  7. I had escargot once for a dare. I was sick lol xxxxx

  8. octopus,  it was in a class at college, it was nasty I spit it out in the napkin.  I am not even sure I tasted it I didn't like the feel of it.  I will never try it again.  I think everyone was spittingit out lol.  I don't even remember why we had to try it, I was hung over that day...

    Not really found of fruit cake. We have this white elephant game we play every year, and there is this SAME fruit cake that is passed around from year to year, it's rather nasty at this point lol.  That's my family!!  Fruit cakes!
    ~ Promise

  9. I ate snails, too!  They were waaay too much work for the tiny amount of meat inside and tasted yucky.  I like fruitcake, but can only take so much before I tire of it.  Penny

  10. Well...We eat sushi a lot. That's pretty exotic. I did try octopus once (not for me). Eel...that's pretty tasty. I've had escargot too. It just has to be prepared the right way. Lots of butter and garlic and don't cook it too long. Ummm...reindeer jerky? Rattlesnake meat? Alligator? All pretty tasty. Hard to choose which one is the MOST exotic. I tried this Indian dish once...I was experimenting at my favorite Indian restaurant. It was SO spicy hot I thought my sinuses were on fire. Oh! I know...conch! As in the giant shell fish! Had that in the Bahamas. That was pretty exotic.

  11. sushi -ewww and calamari-actually pretty good. never tried fruitcake. Wonder what it tastes like.... Cool question.

  12. Exotic Food?  Does sushi count?  Thai food? Or Calamari (octupus).  

    No I don't like fruit cake.  

    I love your monday questions!!!!


  13. Bit into a snail one but spat it out...yuk !   Love fruit cake   Sandra x

  14. I'm late, I'm late for a very important question! lol  Hmm...I had escargot as well, didn't like it.  Also had octopus and squid when I was little.  Darn Daddeeoo for making us try that yucky stuff.  I always loved that Mom and Dad always gave us a well-rounded diet, though, and introduced us to many things.  Also had pomegranete (sp.?).  Reminds me of Christmas!!  I love that fruit!!  Mixture of cranberry and grape juice all in a juicy corn-like kernel!  Hmm... Tried a little sushi, too.  Don't like it much.  I love hummus and something that escapes me that is very garlicy from the middle east that Dad always gets.  Can't spell it.  You know that stuff that he always gives us when he buys it?  Name flew out of my head.  I will think of it AFTER I press Save! lol  Great question!!

  15. I don't like snails or fruitcake!  MOst exotic food?  fondue.


  16. I forgot to tell you that, NO, I do not like the traditional fruitcake with the green and red fruit pieces in it! YUCKY! lol


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