Monday, November 5, 2007

monday morning question


Our question this morning comes from Kathy of A Little Left of Center II.  She will soon create  her family Christmas newsletter and wants to know if it is worth it.      

Kathy's question is:

I am getting ready to write my Christmas Newsletter and I was wondering:   "What Do People Think About Christmas Newsletters?"    Do they read them?  Toss them?  Think they are braggy?  Boring?
My answer is:
I love Christmas newsletters!  I do read them, and I don't think they are boring, nor are they like a form letter to me.  How could your family be boring?  And no they are not braggy.  And what if they are, LOL?  Go ahead, brag about your family!  Krissy :)
You're turn, what's your answer?


  1. I like knowing what families are experiencing and being updated on that. I love them and rarely think they are boring. Deb ;-)

  2. I think news letters are great and i am not one to talk about
    not with that beautiful granddaughter of mine.

  3. I like them.  I have even been known to save them for some reason!  I have trouble taking the time to write them myself though!

  4. I like them, especially if they have pictures and are well-written.  Brag away!  Hugs, Val xox

  5. I think it all depends who they're coming from.  Sometimes, the newsletters can be nothing but bragging.  Those I don't like and I have a few family members that do that.  

  6. my brothers rarely call I update them on everything in the Christmas It is a great way for family and friends to keep in contact

  7. Krissy, I think it's 50/50 on who likes getting a newsletter, will here from friends and family that we've not seen for awhile who say, I can't wait to get your newsletter, others probably could care less.  I try not to brag to much in my newsletter, maybe that helps. If you enjoy doing one, then do it dear. Arlene (AJ)

  8. OMG I love getting them! My Aunt sends them every year and I so look forwared to them.. I love to read stuff about my cousin's and their families!!

  9. I am one of those people that write one every year.  I have many relatives that I don't get to see often and they say they enjoy the newsleter...I hope so.

  10. Well, one of my sisters sends a great card with a special note for each of us.  The other two and now a niece send long braggy letter - especially now that they are grand or great grandparents. I read them and love them, they all sound like carbon copies.  I don't take time to send letters out.  I send e-cards or a regular one with a picture of Andrea if I have the address.  For people with very close families, it's wonderful, but I am the baby by 8 years and more.  Blessings, Penny

  11. ((((((((((((KRISSY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))I love reading them,I love reading letters from friends and family over Christmas Holiday.Its fun reading them.Have a nice week.

  12. I love to receive them and no, they're not braggy or boring.  Unless it's from a family member you see all the time anyway...LOL


  13. Here's my reply....Linda in (sunny) Washington state

  14. I love the Christmas letters if they are sent with feeling. Doc's sister sends one every year and highlights what I call bragging. If your going to send one , be honest the good and the bad make up a true human experience. (Hugs) Indigo

  15. I have not gotten one of these in years and Im not sure anyone in the family has written one ever... but Im lucky to give or send out the christmas card lol honestly I wish my family was more into tradtions and this would be a fun one. A friend of mine had a big family newsletter and he used to read it to me... everyone really would contribute and I was kinda amazed. Im all for this and bragging wouldnt bother me at all.

  16. I usually don't recieve any Christmas letters.....June:)

  17. Thanks, Krissy!  What a sweetheart you are.  I've read the comments posted this far and I'll be back to check on any new ones.  

    I wrote about this and, of course, posted my opinion this morning.

    Hugs, Kathy

  18. Thanks, Krissy!  What a sweetheart you are.  I've read the comments posted this far and I'll be back to check on any new ones.  

    I wrote about this and, of course, posted my opinion this morning.

    Hugs, Kathy

  19. I've never heard of a Christmas newsletter..sounds interesting..will she be posting it in her journal?

  20. I only know of one person who does that. It does sound as if she is making things up. LOL... If you are going to do it, I would suggest that you keep it short. Her newsletters go on and on and on. I am not speaking for myself, but it makes some people feel that you think you are better than they are and sometimes it gets competitive. You might be selective about who receives them. When in doubt, go see that episode on Everybody Loves Ramond. LOL...

  21. I usually don't care for the ones I get. Sometime two or three. They only include the braggy stuff. If they added the not so good too then I would feel they are real. Paula

  22. I love newsletters.
    I like writing them--I like sending them.
    I love reading them.
    I love laughing at the snotty ones.
    I love catching up on the news.
    I love the ones with pictures too.
    I hate the ones where they tell everything that's positive and nothing negative--not everybody had a great year.

  23. I love the newsletters...even the braggy ones.  Christmas is a happy time, a time of renewal. It doesn't bother me to read only positive things...Some people do have really good years. When there are sad things in the letter like a death or sickness or other major trauma then it is a great time to pray for our friends.


  24. I  like them too!

    be well,

  25. I love reading them, I would suggest not making them too long, because then people don't take the time to read them.  But I love catching up on the lives of those I don't stay in contact with too much throughout the year.  Yeah, I like Christmas Newsletters.


  26. Braggy and Boring, I'll say.  I glance at them and add them to the Christmas Card pile. I like Christmas all right, but I think the cards are boring too.  Christmas letters? HUMBUG

  27.     Some of them are braggy and some are boring. And too many times, they are the only means to keep up with each other that a family has.

  28. What a perfect way to bring everybody together, even if only on paper...or even easier for those of us who don't get out much and are so busy that even a small trip to the store or post office cannot be fit into their schedule, the internet is a wonderful vehicle; whether it be by email or through a journal/blog such as these, or even by starting your very own "family web site". Families are so spread apart by distance in miles or opposing schedules, and all the outside things that pull us in every way possible make it virtualy impossible to keep a close-knit family these days!  I 'IM' my mother as often as I can find her "on-line" and she gets there when she feels up to it.  Then we can spend hours chatting, having coffee together, filling each other in on what's new; what the cat or dog are doing right now, and just all those little basic 'nothings' that are so important; but that fill your heart and give you peace of mind and a wholesome satisfaction. If you stop and look at the alternative and realize how truely fast life is going by, NOT getting to read that newsletter would bother you more than it EVER would to just take a few minutes to see what everyone else is up to and what they are thinking and how they are feeling! It's bound to make you feel better inside just to know...  v

  29. Christmas letters....for the most part, no, I don't like them because most of the ones I get are braggy and pretentious.  I have gotten some really lovely thought felt ones over the years.  Now, those I don't mind.  Hugs N Love, Chris

  30. I find family newsletters kind of impersonal, so I don't do them myself.  I do read them, though, because often they are the only contact I have with extended family.  It's nice to know what people have been up to--but I'd MUCH prefer a phone call, or a personal e-mail, card, or letter, not a "form letter" kind of thing.  I feel that if I can't at least find the time to type your name in the "to" line, then I either need to cut back on activities, or I probably shouldn't bother.  :-\


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